The 1980s Tallahassee punk flyer archive

The 1980s Tallahassee punk flyer archive is an ongoing effort to catalog and preserve 1980s-era Tallahassee gig flyers. A number of improvements have been made to the archive which will be detailed in this blog post.

The flyer archive now consists of two distinct entities: the online digital archive, a growing collection of images currently representing 285 unique flyers (ed. note: 431 as of November 2020); and a hard copy archive which will be placed into a local institution to preserve our shared history.

Quick links:

Digital archive:

The digital archive may be viewed here. This archive is now much better organized than it had been previously. The file names have been updated such that every flyer in the digital archive is in date order. The file names now also include the band/artist names and venue for easy reference. The earliest flyers in the archive date to the August 8, 1980 Psychedelic Furs/Persian Gulf/Know-It-Alls show at Tommy’s. The most recent flyer in the collection is from Twang Thang’s October 16 and 17, 1989 shows at Grand Finale. Thanks to the many members of the community who have contributed to building this archive. If you have additional flyer images to contribute please contact 

A newly created spreadsheet of detailed information about each flyer in the archive may be viewed here
(thanks to Margaret Nee of the San Diego Punk Archive for providing this spreadsheet template). In addition to the information included in the file names per above (date, bands, venue), the spreadsheet includes where known: the show promoter, flyer maker, flyer size, flyer provenance and more. If you are able to provide updates or corrections to this spreadsheet please contact

Flyer for the earliest show in the 1980s Tallahassee punk flyer archive dating to August 19, 1980. Flyer created by and from the archive of Bill Otersen.

Hard copy archive:

In addition to the digital archive, 137 original hard copies of flyers in the digital archive are preserved in the 1980s Tallahassee Punk Archive and will be donated to a historical institution (ed. note: more have been committed in the month since this first posted). These flyers are represented in the spreadsheet as “Jon Bleyer/1980s Tallahassee punk archive” under the provenance column. The State Archives of Florida has indicated potential interest in this collection. The State Library of Florida and Florida State University special collection and archives are also potential landing spots for the hard copy archive. Input and suggestions from the community are welcome as this is our collective history.

Thanks to those who have contributed to the hard copy archive thus far, especially Bonny Dotson Allen and Donny Crenshaw. If you have original flyers to contribute to the hard copy archive please contact

Wanted: an original copy of this flyer, which is believed to be from the first Hated Youth show. The Little Johnnys (aka Hated Youth) and Sector 4 at the FSU Reservation, July 3, 1982.